All You Need To Know About Albino Cockatiel

The Albino Cockatiel for sale you see is not actually albino, and it has been said that a better name would be White-Faced Lutino Cockatiel. It is an amalgamation of a White-Faced Cockatiel and Lutino Cockatiel. The Lutino has red eyes, white to pale yellow feathers, and orange patches on its cheeks and the White-Faced Cockatiel is grey with a white or light gray face. Both of them are mutations, which makes the Albino Cockatiel a double mutation.

There is not much information available on the origination of the Albino Cockatiel. Since the 1940s, the normal grey Cockatiel has been bred for an assortment of color alterations and the Lutino was the 2nd color transformation introduced in the United States. The White-Faced Cockatiel made its initial emergence in 1964 and is a common alteration these days.

The unique appearance of the Albino Cockatiel is a result of breeding the Lutino and White-Faced together. The black and grey color of the White-Faced is eradicated by the Lutino gene and adds the red eyes. Plus, all of the yellow and orange coloring of the Lutino is removed by the White-Faced gene. Eventually, you have a bird, which is all white and have red eyes. It is not a true albino but has been given the name, nonetheless.


Cockatiels are popularly known for being the most social birds that love to spend the majority of time with their family and other cockatiels. They are full of energy and playful. In addition they can be trained to do a few tricks and respond to hand gestures as well. They are able to talk but not as comprehensively as the majority of other parrotlets for sale. They whistle and may serenade you as a way of demonstrating affection.

For a long time, the cockatiel has been a popular pet for the reason that they are obedient and have wonderful traits. As compared to makes, female cockatiels have a tendency to be quieter and are typically a little more sweet-natured and calmer. They take pleasure in being held and petted and would like to spend as much time as possible with you and illustrate you how happy they are to see you. Since they are very social, they will do better with another cockatiel if you are not home often.

Always keep in mind that cockatiels are capable of talking but only at a minimum level. They can even impersonate a few noises both inside and outside the house, such as alarm clocks, phones and birds. When they feel happy, they are popularly known to chirp and whistle, but they are even prone to a mixture of sounds based on the situation.

If they sense danger or worried, they will scream. Cockatiels often scream when they are lonely and bored. At times, they will hiss if they are trying to threaten another bird or you and are likely to follow a hiss with a bite. Think of it as a warning system.

Are you looking for an exotic white faced cockatiel for sale? Check out the collection of exotic pets available at Birds by Joe!


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